large projects


(25,946 words. april 5, 2022) 

text-based game. HTML/Twine.

The year is 1999.

The place is Godfield, Louisiana: the tech capital of the world,

where the sky bleeds acid and the mud boils in the bayou.

It is time for your state-mandated digital therapy.

20-60 minute playtime, 6 endings.

"universal hologram"

(34,107 words. oct 1, 2021)

text-based science fiction game. HTML/Twine.

The citizens of a far-future Martian colony begin projecting their consciousnesses using

astral projection techniques in the hopes that doing so will provide meaning, or at least

entertainment, to their computer-generated lives.

"north alter"

(38,946 words. may 11, 2020)

apocalyptic soap opera set at a North Adams state college.

novel/meta-geological survey.

"consciousness hologram"

(25,761 words. mid 2017, rev. mid/late 2018 & again late 2019)

text-based science fiction game. HTML/Twine.

intended to appraise the state of both

utopic and dystopic sci fi w/ a specific focus on 

existence/consciousness, deep futurism, transhumanism,

art, technology, suffering, bacterial 

infections, inter-cranial stimulation, and sand.


(4,893 words. mid 2016)

hybrid poetry. powerpoint -> PDF.

fictive gender biography. familial & romantic relationships. also: solipsism, drug use, dreams